Something Old, Something New

Sapporo’s Street Car system (tram, 市電) is getting a bit of an overhaul. This past Sunday saw the debut of a new street car with expanded seating and streamlined features.  The old street cars are still in full operation as only one new car has been put into circulation(for now).  Below you can see a comparison of the two.


Japan’s train nerds were out in full force for the unveiling. As I was snapping these photos a middle aged man was literally chasing the new car down the street, getting down on one knee out in traffic paparazzi style, determined to get the best photo on this monumental day in the world of  Traindom. Even I got caught up in excitement and managed to get a pic of the two styles of cars passing on the curve near Sapporo’s public library.

And as Sapporo enters a new modern era of transport, so too does my blog.  I managed to finally change the blog name to something more appropriate – snowsoversapporo.