Although Sapporo is a relatively symmetrical city, laid out in mathematical blocks like an igo board and rather flat despite being surrounded by mountains, there are some architectural anomalies that have caught my eye since moving here. They aren’t the famous spots like the Tokeidai or the Former Hokkaido Government Office, both well maintained western influenced buildings that neatly represent the modern planned city that Sapporo set out to be at the beginning of the 20th century. My favorites instead are the many old wooden homes scattered throughout town, all in various states of disrepair, reconstruction, and sadly for many, en route to demolition.

I’ve made this into a small side project of mine to photograph as many of these aging relics whenever I come across them in my walks around town. With GPS tagging and Flickr integration I am able to make a nice interactive map, in case anyone in Sapporo is interested in taking a walkabout.
The Flicker map can be see here and will be continually updated as I find more old wooden homes. Hopefully I can catalog enough of them before they are gone forever.