This Week’s Brew – Kin Mugi


Continuing in the 187 Yen, 500 ml can, not-exactly-beer trend; this week’s brew hails from Suntory, which seems to be matching it up as a direct competitor with the other big brewer’s happosei (low malt liqueur infused third type beer). Kin Mugi and it’s ubiquitous blue can is seen everywhere in adverts throughout Japan. Suntory has really been pushing it, especially with the consumption tax hike that took effect last spring.

It stacks up pretty well with my other go to happosei, Sapporo’s White Belg. I enjoyed it slightly more but overall it is nothing to write home about.(but apparently enough to blog to the world about) Basically, it is a very cheap 5% alcohol beerish beverage to pick up for a Friday evening wind down. I especially love how the label declares “Rich Malt” prominently in large gold font, when that hardy can be the case. Still, nice try Suntory. I tried my best to enjoy this in “relaxing time”.