New Beer: Umami

Fancy name – rather standard taste

Oh, Japanese beer can marketing ploy! I’ve fallen for your trickery again.

After a steady diet of Happoshu, I was ready to pick up a real beer after a long week at work. I opted for Suntory’s new offering –  The Malt’s: Umami.  It’s the malt’s umami, theirs for all enernity. They own the umami.It is theirs.

Not really sure what Suntory is doing with the name of this beverage, but its bright copper can color forced me to give it a chance, and stole about ¥500 from my wallet.

The can design did it, as always. Very little differentiates these beers from the big brewers. So a flashy can color and some inventive ungrammatical naming are all they have to seduce us. This time it worked Suntory! But I’m on to you.

What do you think?