One Final Snowshoe

A few weeks back we had a bit of an Indian winter in the midst of a rather balmy March.  It allowed me to strap on my Tubbs Wilderness snowshoes one last time to frolic in the environs of Asahiyama Park.  The snow was fresh, the wind was strong, and the backcountry was mostly untouched.  My favorite route is to walk the trails of along the back of the park and then just head up the mountain, off trail, away from any living soul.

Climbing through the powder – Asahiyama’s backside

It was a rather mild winter in Sapporo, but I still managed to get out snowshoeing maybe 15 times. Pretty good for my first season. Hopefully next year will see a return to non El Nino /Global Warming temperatures and I can try out some ever more extreme snowshoeing locations.
