Micro Man Cave 2.1 

I’ve added some real depth to my micro man cave this past year. Two massive Nanoblock projects in particular really tied the shelf together: the T-Rex and Human Body skeletons! I’ve pretty much taken over all my wife’s space on this shelf, so my micro-man cave has kind of hit maximum threshold. Thank goodness Sapporo […]

Financial Planning for English Language Teachers -Part 1 

This might hit some of you pretty hard, but it’s time I give some of you the lowdown on living in Japan as an English language teacher and how that relates to maintaining financial security. These words might hold true for most types of expats in Japan, but especially for those navigating the unlucrative ESL […]


When I need a creative jump start I always turn my trusty friend Nanoblock. Even though it isn’t creative in an end of itself, the act of “doing” brings other creative endevours to the surface. And Nanoblocks, with their hundreds of tiny frustrating pieces, all seperated haphazardly into small plastic bags, makes for the perfect […]

Mahjong – A Love Story

It’s that time of year here in Sapporo, where the snow just keeps on coming, homes are cleaned, and KFC pre-orders are made (oh, we’ll get to that). But for my mother and father-in-law it means mahjong. More accurately, 3 days of Japanese riichi mahjong that suck every brain cell from my head and leaves […]

Pumpkin Art and Scones

Halloween takes on a rather morphed representation here in Japan. It seems to be generally restricted to kindergarten parties and early 20’s costume clubbing. Aside from completely missing the elementary school-aged demographic, Japan’s patisseries often sell a variety of halloween themed cakes for the enjoyment of the random Halloween loving customer. Candy and chocolate isn’t […]