Japanese Beer Can Artwork

With only four primary brewers battling it out for supremacy amongst Japanese consumers, and a micobrew scene that remains straight jacketed by anachronistic laws, Japanese marketing has to really pull out all stops to distinguish themselves on the supermarket shelf. Kirin decided to really turn on the Hokkaido charm by featuring the winding Chitose River, […]

New Beer: Umami

Oh, Japanese beer can marketing ploy! I’ve fallen for your trickery again. After a steady diet of Happoshu, I was ready to pick up a real beer after a long week at work. I opted for Suntory’s new offering –  The Malt’s: Umami.  It’s the malt’s umami, theirs for all enernity. They own the umami.It […]

This Week’s Brew – Kin Mugi

Continuing in the 187 Yen, 500 ml can, not-exactly-beer trend; this week’s brew hails from Suntory, which seems to be matching it up as a direct competitor with the other big brewer’s happosei (low malt liqueur infused third type beer). Kin Mugi and it’s ubiquitous blue can is seen everywhere in adverts throughout Japan. Suntory […]