Because Japan

Since my first visits to Japan, I would come across a variety of gadgets in stores like Don Quijote and Tokyu Hands, that made me scratch my head. Some of the more interesting of those quirky products are beer can attachments that create a creamier, more substantial head after pouring. This has always perplexed me. […]

Pumpkin Art and Scones

Halloween takes on a rather morphed representation here in Japan. It seems to be generally restricted to kindergarten parties and early 20’s costume clubbing. Aside from completely missing the elementary school-aged demographic, Japan’s patisseries often sell a variety of halloween themed cakes for the enjoyment of the random Halloween loving customer. Candy and chocolate isn’t […]

Review: Just Enough: Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan

Just Enough: Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan by Azby Brown My rating: 4 of 5 stars An absolutely lovely read that is infused with history while looking disapprovingly at our current consumption driven culture. The author uses the unique device of placing Edo era travelers in distinct locales, partaking in a kind of […]

Did I Drink That?

I thought it wouldn’t come to this. Maybe things would have gone differently with some different life decisions. But unfortunately life has a way of rearing it’s ugly head when one least expects it. This past week I tasted the Devil’s Elixir. Alcohol Free, Sugar Free, Calorie Free – a non-alcohol beer so devoid of […]

This Week’s Brew – Kin Mugi

Continuing in the 187 Yen, 500 ml can, not-exactly-beer trend; this week’s brew hails from Suntory, which seems to be matching it up as a direct competitor with the other big brewer’s happosei (low malt liqueur infused third type beer). Kin Mugi and it’s ubiquitous blue can is seen everywhere in adverts throughout Japan. Suntory […]


It may seem surprising, but yogurt is very popular in Japan. Since Hokkaido is famous for its dairy industry, there is no shortage of yogurt based products to choose from. I was able to sample some great yogurt drinks from the island’s northern region at a recent farmer’s market held at Hokkaido University. Of course, […]

Review: Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen

Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen by Shunryu Suzuki My rating: 2 of 5 stars Far from a beginner’s book to understanding the practice of Zen. Much of Suzuki’s lectures seem to be attempting to transfer the ungraspable nature of the world into more concrete forms for our understanding. This, of course, […]